News Article

It’s Digital Inclusion Week!

Colorado Lt. Governor Diana Primavera and Senator Michael Bennet talk about the importance of digital equity for all.

Approximately 166,000 Coloradans don't have high-speed internet. Just under half of the 166,000 say it's because they can't afford it or don't have the skills to use digital devices. In Colorado, digital equity is half the battle to connect residents to work, school, healthcare and other opportunities the digital age affords us.

CBO is Coming to a Town Near You - NEW Dates Just Announced

Originally published June 12, 2023

The Colorado Broadband Office (CBO) is traveling around the state to both host our Summer Roadshow and to participate in the Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act (IIJA) Summits held by the State of Colorado and there is still time to join us. We've added new dates listed below.

Colorado Carrier Neutral Locations List Now Available

Multiple Carrier Neutral Locations (CNLs) across the state have been partially-funded by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA). These sites, which are independent of any network provider, facilitate broadband deployment and create a redundant infrastructure.

View the status (complete, in progress, and future site) and approximate location of these CNLs on this list.

Colorado to Receive $826.5M for Affordable, Reliable, High-Speed Internet

The day has finally come! After much anticipation, President Biden and Vice President Harris announced today the state allocations for the Broadband, Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) funds. Colorado is set to receive $826,522,650.

As part of the Biden administration's "Internet for All" program, the money is earmarked to ensure the delivery of affordable, reliable, high-speed internet.

Now Accepting Applications for $162M Capital Projects Fund

The Colorado Broadband Office (CBO) opened our Advance Colorado Broadband - Capital Projects Fund grant program (Advance-CPF) on June 20.

Through Advance-CPF, Colorado has $162 million to award for broadband infrastructure projects that will deliver high-speed broadband to homes and businesses, primarily in rural areas, where the majority of Colorado's unserved population resides.

Applications are due by Aug. 21, 2023. 

Advance Colorado Consult Group

We are establishing an Advance Colorado Consult Group to solicit input from key stakeholders on Advance Colorado Broadband grant programs. Our ideal advisory group comprises of industry associations, local governments, Tribal territories, other State agencies, NTIA, broadband consumers and other key stakeholders. CBO will accept nominations until July 1, 2023. 


Upcoming Capital Projects Fund Webinar: Everything You Need to Know to Apply

The Colorado Broadband Office (CBO) is opening our Advance Colorado Broadband - Capital Projects Fund grant program (Advance-CPF) on June 20. To prepare, CBO and our vendor, Tilson, are hosting a webinar on Wednesday, June 14 at 1 p.m.

We encourage potential applicants for Advance-CPF to attend. Webinar topics include: