BEAD Volume 1 is Here

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The CBO recently published the BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 1 — Colorado’s initial proposal to use BEAD money to bridge the digital divide and achieve our goal to connect 99% of Colorado households. 

Required for BEAD, this volume includes an overview of existing broadband funding and defines BEAD-eligible Community Anchor Institutions (CAIs). It also outlines how Colorado will run its state Challenge Process for BEAD, which builds on the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) National Broadband Map.

The BEAD Challenge Process — an opportunity for providers, nonprofits and local governments to challenge what locations in Colorado are listed as unserved and underserved — is scheduled to occur in January 2024. 

From Sept. 8 to Oct. 9, the CBO welcomes public comment on the structure of the proposed Challenge Process, as well as any other information in Volume 1. The CBO will incorporate comments into an updated proposal to submit to the NTIA.

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