Public Safety

What can we do for you?

We support law enforcement, fire, emergency medical services (EMS), Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs), dispatch and 911 centers identify and meet their connectivity needs with fixed, wireless, and ad hoc technology solutions. We partner with federal, state and local entities to help in the shared mission to save lives and protect property.

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Subject Matter Expertise

We are subject matter experts in broadband communications for law enforcement, fire, EMS and dispatch and thought leaders in innovation for public safety communications. We can provide:

  • Planning, guidance and support
  • Education on devices, capabilities and solutions
  • Best practices for public safety communications including Digital Trunked Radio System (DTRS) to broadband bridge and air-to-ground communications
  • Holistic solutions for public safety needs that are carrier-agnostic

Mobile Carrier Support - Mobile Network Coverage Analysis

We can provide network coverage data and analysis to help agencies understand mobile coverage and signal strength vital to day-to-day operations.

Mobile Carrier Support - Priority Access for First Responders

First responders are eligible for priority access on a number of carrier networks. Below is a list of mobile providers that offer priority service for first responders with information on how to get priority access. Many of these priority access programs will require registration in the Government Emergency Telecommunications Service (GETS) and the Wireless Priority Service (WPS) programs. Find out more about requesting GETS and WPS

If you have trouble signing up for priority access, we can provide assistance in getting you connected with the correct representative.

FirstNet powered by AT&T

AT&T’s COVID-19 Response

About FirstNet powered by AT&T 

FirstNet Dedicated Support:  1.800.574.7000


About Verizon Wireless Broadband Priority 

Visit Verizon’s First Responder Benefits Program to check your eligibility. You may need your agency badge or ID to prove eligibility.

Verizon response to the coronavirus COVID1


About Sprint Wireless Priority Service

Current Sprint customers will need to request WPS via the Department of Homeland Security. Instructions can be found here.


About T-Mobile’s Public Safety Wireless Solutions

How to sign up for Wireless Priority Service (WPS) with T-Mobile


The CBO serves as the liaison between the Governor and FirstNet, ensuring that FirstNet serves Colorado’s first responders.

What is FirstNet?

FirstNet is an independent authority within the U.S. Department of Commerce. Authorized by Congress in 2012, its mission is to develop, build and operate the nationwide, broadband network that equips first responders to save lives and protect U.S. communities.

Learn more about the history of FirstNet at firstnet.com

Network Redundancy

Redundant and diverse network paths are essential to prevent outages. We work with agencies and broadband service providers to ensure redundant networks to support PSAPs, Dispatch 911 Centers & Next Generation 911 (NG 911). We also support bridge technologies that couple Land Mobile Radio (LMR) with broadband.

To support this effort, we participate in the Colorado 9-1-1 Advisory Task Force.

During network outages the Colorado Broadband Office partners with agencies and regions to find technological solutions to both resolve outages and support communities during outages.