Local Governments

What can we do for you?

We support local governments' efforts to expand and improve broadband and efforts to support community members.


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Visit our Broadband Mapping Hub to explore broadband maps and data to identify gaps and opportunities in your community. This data can help support strategic planning, policy decisions, and community education and engagement.

Policy Resources

We provide information, promote discussion and prepare recommendations on broadband policy. We want to make sure that all voices are represented in our discussions and recommendations. Ensure that your community is engaged with the Colorado Broadband Office by:

Understanding SB05-152 and SB23-183

In 2005, the Colorado General Assembly passed Senate Bill 05-152 (SB05-152), which excluded local governments from entering into the broadband market and prohibited most uses of municipal or county money for infrastructure to improve local broadband service without voter permission. 

On May 1, 2023, Governor Polis signed SB23-183 (Local Government Provision of Communications Services), which eliminated SB05-152. SB23-183 enables Colorado’s local governments to provide, or partner to provide, broadband internet service without having to pass voter referendums