News Article

Unprecedented Funding for Broadband

Governor Polis and the Colorado Broadband Office today announced the first of multiple investments using stimulus funding from the U.S. Treasury’s Capital Projects Fund (CPF) program.

The Polis administration will use $113 million from CPF to make major, long-term improvements, including expanding the state’s broadband infrastructure and connecting Colorado homes without internet access.

Advance-BEAD Challenge Portal is Live

The Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program requires the CBO to allow ISPs, nonprofits, and local and Tribal governments to challenge the accuracy of BEAD-eligible locations. These are unserved and underserved locations in Colorado.

This Challenge Process is right around the corner. In preparation, we have opened our Advance-BEAD Challenge Portal. In the portal, you will find all the resources you need to prepare for and eventually participate in the Challenge Process.

Colorado’s Broadband Workforce Plan

The Colorado Broadband Office (CBO) and the Office of Future Work (OFW), a Colorado Department of Labor and Employment division, have jointly unveiled their plan to tackle a major obstacle hindering broadband deployment across the state. The Broadband Workforce Plan is vital to successfully distributing $826.5 million from the federal Broadband, Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) funding program. 

Application Window for Technical Assistance Program Closes

The Advance Colorado Broadband Technical Assistance Program, which offers municipalities, counties, school districts, special districts, council of governments, economic development districts, and other political subdivisions and state agencies within the State of Colorado consulting services to prepare, plan, apply for and administer a federal g