Colorado has a bold goal of universal broadband. The federal Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program will invest $826.5 million into Colorado's broadband infrastructure and connect unserved and underserved homes and businesses. BEAD is part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), signed in Nov. 2021. BEAD will help us achieve Governor Polis’ goal to connect 99% of Colorado households and fund programs that address our state’s digital divide.
BEAD Grant Program
Program Guidelines and Workbook
The guidelines outline the process for selecting subgrantees for Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment funds through the Advance Colorado Broadband Grant Program.
NEW! - BEAD Round 2 Addendum
- Portal User Guide - email Advance_CBO@state.co.us for grant portal questions or issues.
- BEAD Grant Agreement Template
- Portal Tips & Tricks
- Grant Guidelines and PAM Public Comment Summary
- Hot Topic: Addressing Locations that are Costly to Serve
- Hot Topic: Alternate Technologies
- Draft Grant Agreement Public Comment Summary
- NTIA Guidance on Alternative Technology
BEAD Round 2 Map
The BEAD-eligible map is updated with BSLs available to bid in Round 2. Learn more in the BEAD Mapping Portal found in the Mapping Hub.

BEAD Round 2 Webinar Recording
On Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. MT, CBO held a webinar to review elements of Round 2 of the BEAD Grant Program. Watch the recording and view the presentation slides (which contain important links). Watch the Round 1 webinars for detailed information on the Grant Program Guidelines, found in the "Webinar Recordings" section below.
BEAD Round 2 Office Hours & Webinar Schedule
Register for weekly Office Hours
Wed., Feb. 5, 2025, 1:00 p.m.
Wed., Feb. 12, 2025, 1:00 p.m.
Wed., Feb. 19, 2025, 1:00 p.m.
Wed., Feb. 26, 2025, 1:00 p.m.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to questions we receive from emails and stakeholder meetings are added to the FAQ document and updated on Fridays. Questions about the Advance-BEAD Grant Program? Email Advance_CBO@state.co.us.
Advance-BEAD Grant Program FAQ (Updated: Nov. 1, 2024)
Advance-BEAD Grant Program FAQ Round 2 (Updated: Feb. 27, 2025)
BEAD-eligible Locations
The final BEAD-eligible location list was approved by NTIA on August 5, 2024. The list includes all Broadband Serviceable Locations (BSLs) that are eligible for infrastructure projects funded by the BEAD program.
Project Area Map
The CBO published the final Project Area Map (PAM) on August 26, 2024. Visit the Advance-BEAD Mapping Portal for all BEAD data and mapping resources.
Webinar Recordings
- BEAD Draft Project Area Map Office: Q&A session on Colorado's DRAFT BEAD-eligible map and Project Area grouping methodology.
- CDOT Right of Way Webinar Recording: CDOT addresses the process and expectations for Right of Way (ROW) access to CDOT Middle-Mile networks. Took place Mon. Aug 26, 2:00 p.m.
- NFS Access Broadband Webinar: The USDA will address the process and expectations for Right of Way (ROW) access on National Forest Service (NFS) for stakeholders and potential BEAD applicants. Took place Tues. Sept. 10, 1:00 p.m.
- BEAD Grant Application Webinar One: This webinar covers the BEAD application, the Advance Colorado Broadband Grant Portal, where stakeholders can manage and track BEAD applications and review BEAD program mapping and data tools. Took place Tues. Sept. 10, 2:00 p.m.
- BEAD Grant Application Webinar Two: This webinar covers the BEAD application, the Advance Colorado Broadband Grant Portal, where stakeholders can manage and track BEAD applications and review BEAD program mapping and data tools. Took place Wed. Sept. 11, 12:00 p.m.
Total Number of Applications:
- 185 Applications received
- Total Funding Requested: $1,778,535,941
- Total Matching Funds: $517,296,914
- Total Project Cost: $2,295,832,855
Total number of eligible locations applied for:
111,896 eligible locations received applications
- Unserved locations: 67,559
- Underserved locations: 44,337
What Counties are Impacted?
- Counties with more than one application: 50
- Counties with one application: 14
- Counties with zero applications: 0
What Types of Technology Were Proposed?
- Priority Broadband Project Application: 139
- Other Last-Mile Broadband Project Application: 46
Who Applied?
- Total Number of Entities Participated: 30
- Applications by organization type:
- Electric Cooperative 1%
- Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC) service provider 3%
- Municipality/Local Government 5%
- Non-ILEC service provider 76%
- Other 8%
- Public or Private Utility 5%
- Tribal Government 3%
Explore the Applications by Project Area and by Applications by county using interactive maps on our Mapping Hub.

To maximize the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) investment and ensure fast, reliable broadband coverage for all Coloradans, we must clearly understand who has internet access and who does not.
Between 2/12/25 - 2/19/25, the Colorado Broadband Office (CBO) invited broadband providers to demonstrate their capability to provide Reliable Broadband Service (RBS) or unlicensed fixed wireless (ULFW) service to BEAD-eligible locations so the CBO can determine if BEAD funding is needed for those locations.
Providers have until 3/14/25 to demonstrate they offer broadband service for a location on the BEAD-eligible Location List. If successful, a provisional award may not be necessary for that location, and the CBO will make every effort to avoid overbuilding in these locations.
BEAD Proposals and Plans

Initial Proposal Volume 2 - APPROVED
The Initial Proposal Volume 2 outlines Colorado's critical components of the BEAD grant program, including funding deployment, stakeholder engagement, workforce initiatives and more. Volume 1 & 2 together are Colorado's strategy to invest $826.5 million from BEAD funding to connect 99% of Colorado households by end of 2027. Approval means the CBO can take the next steps to deploy BEAD funding and release eligible locations, grant program guidelines and select subgrantees.

Initial Proposal Volume 1 - APPROVED
The Initial Proposal Volume 1 explains how Colorado will run its BEAD Challenge Process. Required for BEAD, the Challenge Process - an opportunity for providers, nonprofits and local governments to challenge unserved and underserved locations in Colorado - is scheduled for January 2024. Volume 1 also outlines existing broadband funding, establishes unserved and underserved locations on the Federal Communication Commission's National Broadband Map and defines BEAD-eligible Community Anchor Institutions.

Public Comment Summary
As part of the BEAD process, the CBO requested public comment on both Initial Proposal Volume 1 and Initial Proposal Volume 2 before submission to the NTIA. The public comment period was held to promote transparency and gather feedback from all of CBO’s stakeholders. As part of our commitment to transparency, the CBO is releasing a summary of feedback received for both volumes.

Five-Year Action Plan - APPROVED
The Five-Year Action Plan establishes Colorado's broadband goals and priorities for the BEAD funding and serves as a comprehensive needs assessment that will inform Colorado’s Initial Proposal.
About the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment Program
National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) BEAD Program: Colorado receives $826.5 million, which the Colorado Broadband Office (CBO) will deploy through the Advance Colorado Broadband grant program. BEAD will expand high-speed internet access by funding planning, infrastructure deployment and adoption programs across Colorado.