
January Industry & Community Roundtable Webinars: Slides and Recordings Now Available

On January 17 and 25, the CBO hosted it's Advance Industry and Community Roundtable meetings. In order to establish a regular cadence of communication with our partners, the CBO will hold these Roundtable meetings bi-monthly. The slides and recordings from January's Industry and Community Roundtable discussions can be found below. The next Roundtable discussions will take place in March 2023.

Advance Industry Roundtable (Jan. 17)

Broadband Deployment Board Winter 2023 Grant Cycle: Open Comment Period Extended

The Winter 2023 Grant Cycle Applications were due on January 15. The comment period was scheduled to begin on January 16, however we experienced technical issues that prevented us from publishing all applications for the opening of the comment period. All applications are now posted to our website. Accordingly, we are extending the public comment/response period by one day. Therefore, the Open Comment period is now from Tuesday, January 17, 2023 until Friday, March 3, 2023.

Broadband Deployment Board Update: Dec. 9

New Board Policies, Forms, and Guidance Document

Versions of the Guidance Document, BDB policies and relevant forms for use can be found on our website.

Updated on December 8:

Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Planning Grant Awarded to Colorado

On Dec. 8, the Polis administration announced that the National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA) is awarding Colorado over $5 million to prepare for the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) funding program. The BEAD program is the country’s largest-ever investment in broadband, and provides funding to build infrastructure and provide equitable opportunities through access to the internet. 

Upcoming Engagement Opportunities with CBO

The Colorado Broadband Office (CBO) would like to announce new opportunities to engage with us on the development of our broadband expansion plan and deployment of funds through our Advance Colorado Broadband grant program. The best strategy to address Colorado's areas in need of broadband is to work together. Therefore, we are establishing a regular cadence of communication with our partners.