Upcoming Engagement Opportunities with CBO

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The Colorado Broadband Office (CBO) would like to announce new opportunities to engage with us on the development of our broadband expansion plan and deployment of funds through our Advance Colorado Broadband grant program. The best strategy to address Colorado's areas in need of broadband is to work together. Therefore, we are establishing a regular cadence of communication with our partners. 

Join us for any of the following virtual meetings:
Letter of Intent Learnings & Best Practices - Sessions 1 & 2 (chose one)
The CBO received 87 Letters of Intent (LOI) to apply for federal broadband funding. The LOIs we received were the first look at projects for infrastructure improvement or expansion in Colorado. With this information, we can identify the data and information we will need for the official grant applications. We will also be better prepared to guide stakeholders in creating quality proposals.

Advance Industry Roundtable
An opportunity for internet service providers (ISPs) to participate, throughout the grant development and funding process. The CBO invites ISPs for a topic discussion and Q&A session, occurring on the third Tuesday of every other month. 

Advance Community Leaders Roundtable
An opportunity for community leaders to participate in the broadband funding deployment discussion. We invite community leaders, local governments, school districts, healthcare facilities, public safety officials, multi-use facility owners, etc., throughout the grant development and funding process. The CBO invites community leaders for a topic discussion and Q&A session, occurring on the third Wednesday of every other month. 

 We will announce more opportunities for engagement in the coming weeks. As always, please contact us with any questions at oit_broadband@state.co.us.

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