Federal Funding Compliance Resources

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Compliance Training

Anyone can access this series of training videos and resources designed to help potential applicants navigate federal funding rules and regulations related to Advance Colorado Broadband projects. This federal regulation compliance series applies to all federal grants, including State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF), Capital Projects Fund (CPF) and the Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD).

Email questions to Advance_CBO@state.co.us

Certifying Grant Documents

Certifying Grant Documents Training

Reports are often returned for correction. The most common reason is they lacked the right signature. This training identifies three designated individuals within the grantee’s agency authorized to certify grant documents.

Certifying Grant Documents Training Slide Deck

Certificate of Insurance

Certificate of Insurance Training

A current Certificate of Insurance (COI) must be submitted to the State for all broadband projects. The COI will be used to verify that organizations meet the State’s requirements for insurance coverage. Learn how to comply with this requirement.

Certificate of Insurance Training Slide Deck

Colorado False Claims Act

Colorado False Claims Act Training

The Colorado False Claim Act is an anti-fraud statute designed to ensure that public funds are used for their intended purposes. The Act applies when a knowing misrepresentation to the State has been made in the obtaining or performing of publicly-funded projects. Learn about the potential legal consequences of false claims and how to avoid violating the Act.

Colorado False Claims Act Training Slide Deck

Cost Reimbursement

Cost Reimbursement Training

Only reasonable, allocable and allowable costs will be reimbursed. This training reviews requirements and timelines to submit cost reimbursements for Advance Colorado Broadband grants.

Cost Reimbursement Training Slide Deck

Domestic Preference & Buy America

Domestic Preference & Buy America Training

Domestic Preference and the Buy America Act are the regulations on purchasing products made within the United States for broadband projects. This training explains each regulation, when it is applicable and what projects must do to remain compliant.

Domestic Preference & Buy America Training Slide Deck

Resource: Build America Buy America (U.S. Dept. of Commerce)

Grant Accounting

Grant Accounting Training

The Grant Accounting training module explains regulations on tracking and maintaining finances for Advance Colorado Broadband grants.

Grant Accounting Training Slide Deck

Fraud & Whistleblower Protection

Fraud & Whistleblower Protection Training

There are often warning signs of potential fraud. Learn what fraud is, why it occurs, what to look out for, the key to preventing it and how to report it. The Colorado Whistleblower Act protects all public and private employees when reporting suspected fraud.

Fraud & Whistleblower Protection Training Slide Deck

Colorado Broadband Office fraud webpage

Financial Activity Project Reimbursement Requests

Financial Activity Projects Reimbursement Requests

Grant awardees can watch this training video to learn how to submit reimbursement requests in the Advance Grants Portal.

Financial Activity Projects Reimbursement Requests Slide Deck

Management and Disposition of Property

Management and Disposition of Property Training

Real property and equipment acquired or improved with federal funds must be used for the original, authorized purpose. This training reviews capital asset management and inventory, the interest period on federally-funded broadband projects and disposition requirements.

Management and Disposition of Property Training Slide Deck

Matching Funds

Matching Funds Training

Matching funds are required for all Colorado Broadband grant programs, except the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) grant program. Learn about the different types of match and the process of accounting and utilizing matching funds.

Matching Funds Training Slide Deck


Monitoring Training

Advance Colorado Broadband grant awardees will work with OIT Grant Managers throughout the life of the broadband project to maintain compliance. This training reviews expectations around monitoring awarded projects.

Monitoring Training Slide Deck

Payment Requests

Payment Requests Training

Advance Colorado Broadband grantees must submit payment requests during broadband projects. This training outlines what to expect and the requirements for submitting payment requests.

Payment Requests Training Slide Deck

Prevailing Wage

Prevailing Wage Training

A prevailing wage is a minimum hourly wage for a specific job classification based on the project location. This training reviews prevailing wage laws including the federal Davis-Bacon Wage Act and Colorado’s SB19-196. Learn about labor reporting as an alternative to Davis-Bacon.

Prevailing Wage Training Slide Deck

Procurement of Recovered Materials

Procurement of Recovered Materials Training

In this training, we review the rules for the Procurement of Recovered Materials to CFR 200.223, which applies to government entities and their contractors who purchase items over $10,000. We cover requirements, which projects it applies to and how to stay in compliance.

Procurement of Recovered Materials Training Slide Deck

Resource: 40 CFR 247.6(d)

Program Income

Program Income Training

This training reviews regulations for Program Income, defined as the revenue generated by a grant-funded project during the grant period of performance.

Program Income Training Slide Deck

Project Changes

Project Changes Training

Changes to projects are common. The CBO will require notification and approval of all changes made to awarded projects. Learn about the approval process for project changes.

Project Changes Training Slide Deck

Project Phases

Project Phases Training

All broadband infrastructure projects are broken up into distinct activities called phases. Phases define work that can be done and costs that can be incurred. OIT Grant Managers will work with subgrantees to approve each phase of the project. This training reviews this process.

Project Phases Training Slide Deck

Record Retention

Record Retention Training

Grantees must retain all grant-related records about expenditures and communications during and after the grant performance period. Learn about the record retention requirements for Advance Colorado Broadband grants.

Record Retention Training Slide Deck


Reporting Training

Advance Colorado Broadband grantees must submit quarterly programmatic and financial reporting. Learn the difference between these reports and the typical due dates. 

Slide Deck

Single Audits

Single Audit Training

A single audit is an audit that is above and beyond an organization's annual audit. The single audit includes an in-depth review of the organization's accounting practices and processes as they relate to federal broadband grants. Learn when this requirement applies and how to comply. 

Slide Deck


Telecomm Equipment Restrictions

Telecommunications Equipment Restrictions Training

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Uniform Guidance prohibit the use of federal funding to procure broadband equipment from companies determined to be threats to national security. Learn where to find information on prohibited companies and about the “rip and replace” provision that requires removing and replacing prohibited equipment with approved materials. 

Slide Deck

Resource - List of Equipment and Services Covered By Section 2 of The Secure Networks Act

Closeout Documents

Speed Test Certification

The Colorado Broadband Office (CBO) is responsible for the obligation of funds under the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF), Capital Projects Fund (CPF) and the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program. These programs have all adopted speed test requirements that funding recipients must meet. The CBO created guidance on the speed test certification requirements, which apply to federal and state broadband grant programs.

Speed Test Certification Guidelines


Sub-recipient Closeout Checklist & Instructions

CBO Subrecipients must complete this checklist before the final closeout of their grant. The checklist must be signed and returned or uploaded to Grant Management System as part of the closeout package.

Sub-recipient Closeout Checklist


Final Report

All CBO sub-recipients must complete this final report template prior to the final closeout of the grant. It must also be submitted to and approved by the Colorado Broadband Office before any grants will be closed.

Final Report

Other Resources

OIT Federal Grant Compliance & Reporting Guidelines

This Guide contains information and instructions to assist grantees in meeting the required contractual responsibilities of their federal grant. 

Read the OIT Federal Grant Compliance & Reporting Guidelines



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